Friday, February 22, 2013

American Idol Curtis Finch "Church" Singer Questionable

Here's the deal: Curtis Finch, one of the contestants just picked on American Idol is supposedly a church singer who grew up singing in the church. While he is outdoubtedly talented with a great voice, his "church" upbringing surely didn't teach him the Golden Rule.

While working with a group, one of the member got sick and couldn't practice. Curtis couldn't be bothered and made it plainly clear: This was all about him and no one else. As long as he could do well, that was all that mattered.

Clearly a competiton mindset, but certainly not a Christian mindset. The reason we bring it up: Don't act all churchy-perfect if you didn't learn a darn thing about how to treat your fellow man!

We'll be watching to see if his DIVA attitude improves. Dear Curtis, likeability is a key factor on this show and while we may like your voice, we don't like you right now. Prove us wrong.

And what's with Nicki Minaj and her "I'm obsessesed with you" phrase she says to every male (or nearly every male) as long as he is pretty. She's got a bit of a Simon fixation -- remember how he only thought little blonde girls would go through and be contenders in the beginning? Ruben and Clay made that stupid mindset go away. Please Nicki, grow up. Look beyond the immediate and tone it down. This is a family show and besides that we don't have a family and still don't want to hear it.


Coolest new Esty shop just opened...check it out!

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